113: Stepmom To Stepkid With ODD - Oppositional Defiant Disorder

The Nacho Kids Podcast: Blended Family Lifesaver - A podcast by Lori Sims & David Sims - Fridays

In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori, co-founder of Nacho Kids, interviews stepmom Rebeccah. Rebeccah is a behavior analyst and stepmom to two stepsons, one of which has ODD - oppositional defiant disorder and the other has ADHD. Rebeccah shares with us information about ODD and how it impacted her blend.  In this episode, we discuss: What ODD is  Being a childless stepmom When the bio parents don’t get their bio kids help  Using the Nacho Kids method, “Nachoing” When a stepkid refuses to come for visitation