Can brain electrodes improve memory in Alzheimer's Disease?

The Neural Network - A podcast by neuralnetwork

Many of you are studying for exams – or if you’re lucky, you’re done. Regardless, I’m sure you appreciate your capacity to remember things. People with Alzheimer’s disease are not as fortunate – particularly when it comes to their ability to retain recent information.  In this episode of The Neural Network, Dr. Francisco Ponce and I discuss the novel phase III clinical trial, where stimulating brain electrodes are used to improve cognition in Alzheimer’s Disease. Guest: Dr. Francisco Ponce MD, Director of Barrow Center for Neuromodulation, Barrow Neurological Institue Host: Pardis Zarifkar  For more information on Dr. Ponce's work: Photo credit: Barrow Neurological Institute  Alzheimers San Diego: