40: Another Side to Paris with author Nicolas le Goff

The New Paris Podcast - A podcast by NewParisPodcast


There's the New Paris and ten there's Another Paris, a book that could and perhaps should be paired automatically with mine when it comes to looking at the transforming landscape of Paris and Greater Paris. I met the author Nicolas le Goff several years ago when his incredibly clever and timely book was first released in French. Now, it's been updated and translated into English. Nicolas includes ten walks to discovering Eastern Paris and just beyond, with starting points at familiar destinations and itineraries that lead beyond the periphery. There's contemporary architecture, community gardens, street art, coffee shops, rehabilitated spaces and galleries. Nicolas joins me to talk about the book and this other side of Paris he hopes visitors and locals will take the time to explore. Mentioned in this episode: Nicolas on Twitter: https://twitter.com/l_autre_paris "Another Paris": http://www.parigramme.com/livre-another-paris-523.htm Franchir le Périph: http://www.leparisien.fr/hauts-de-seine-92/plan-plan-la-banlieue-ouest-de-paris-il-va-vous-prouver-le-contraire-14-08-2019-8133366.php#xtor=AD-1481423553 The "Grand Paris" project: https://www.citylab.com/solutions/2016/01/grand-paris-governing-body-fragmentation/422547/ Bikes first: https://www.citylab.com/transportation/2019/08/paris-bike-lanes-rer-v-cycle-track-petite-couronne/596089/ Le Centquatre (104) cultural center: http://www.104.fr/