Episode 22: Rediscovering Paris with David Santori
The New Paris Podcast - A podcast by NewParisPodcast

For Frenchman David Santori, Paris has largely been a place to visit. For nearly 20 years, he has lived in the United States, returning each year to his hometown only to visit family. What changes in Paris are most obvious to him, I wondered? Is « The New Paris » part of a subtle shift or something bigger? We talk about the changing city, linguistic codes, neighborhoods and his bi-cultural sense of self. Mentioned in this episode: David Santori, @FrenchieYankee: https://www.instagram.com/frenchieyankee/ #TheOtherDC https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/theotherdc/ « Du Coup » http://www.lefigaro.fr/langue-francaise/expressions-francaises/2016/08/04/37003-20160804ARTFIG00071-du-coup-aller-sur-ces-erreurs-de-langage-a-eviter.php « Juste » http://www.lefigaro.fr/langue-francaise/actu-des-mots/2016/10/16/37002-20161016ARTFIG00023-10-tics-de-langage-a-proscrire-pour-le-bien-de-l-humanite.php