Episode 3: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Paris with Rahaf Harfoush
The New Paris Podcast - A podcast by NewParisPodcast

Lindsey talks innovation with digital anthropologist and best-selling author Rahaf Harfoush. Canadian-born and based in Paris for the past five years, Rahaf teaches innovation and emerging business models at Sciences Po and also contributed to The New Paris book. Rahaf talks to Lindsey about the tech hub of Silicon Sentier, in which sectors France is leading the way, and the promise of potential change in the upcoming election. Episode Guest, Rahaf Harfoush: http://www.rahafharfoush.com/ Local companies leading the charge: La Maison du Bitcoin https://lamaisondubitcoin.fr/ Koudetat http://www.koudetatondemand.co/ France’s start-up blog http://www.rudebaguette.com/ Blah Blah Car https://www.blablacar.com/ Deezer https://www.deezer.com/en/ La Ruche Qui Dit Oui (CSA) https://laruchequiditoui.fr/fr The Family https://www.thefamily.co/ Numa: https://paris.numa.co/en/ Emmanuel Macron's presidential campaign hub: https://en-marche.fr/emmanuel-macron Music by Little Glass Men