TNMU #205: Drilling Into Fear
The Next Man Up | Equipping Fathers | Raising Men - A podcast by Mark Stanifer

Whether you realize it or not, you have a problem with the F-Word. Not the one you’re thinking of. The F-Word we’re talking about is Fear. Men don’t want to admit it but fear is a nemesis that can keep you from becoming all that God wants you to be. But overcoming fear requires a few things. Join Mark and John as they drill into the layers of fear and discuss ways you can overcome this enemy. Stay up to date with us through our mail list (sign up here) or our FB page @NMUJourney. Expanded Notes: Talking about the F-word is not typical or easy for guys Layers of fear: Surface fear — what you are aware of and willing to admit Deeper fear — what you are aware of but not willing to admit Core fear — what you’re not even aware of The imposter syndrome can be an indicator of your fear Overcoming your fear starts with awareness Imagine what’s possible when you admit to fear and seek out others who can help you What if we admit first to God and trust him to work on our behalf If your son were to tell you he’s afraid, how would you respond? Speaking your fear is a way to undermine its power 2 Tim 1:7: For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment. The goal isn’t fearlessness; the goal is to not let fear be in control Jesus in the garden is an example of not surrendering to fear Closing challenge: Recognize you are most likely not without fear, even if you’re not aware Possibilities abound when you move past the fear Are you willing to do the work? Zach Williams song, Fear Is A Liar To explore the 9 core fears more go to