TNMU #208: Coaching Your Son
The Next Man Up | Equipping Fathers | Raising Men - A podcast by Mark Stanifer

Coaching in athletics has been around for centuries. Coaching for personal development, on the other hand, is only a few decades old. Though they share the same word, they are significantly different. And the skill of coaching for development can significantly improve the way you father your son. If you want to understand what good coaching is and gather some tips to help you be a better father, this episode is for you. Expanded Notes: What is coaching? Listening vs talking Asking vs telling Releasing vs fixing Use questions to empower your son to think for himself and discover new insights together Remember your child is not yours. You are stewarding a gift from Father. Coaching allows you to prepare and release your “apprentice” so he is ready to launch Tips for fathers to start coaching: Create the space to allow your son to talk while you listen and help him process Ask good open-ended questions. They generally begin with “What” or “How”. For example, “What do you think?” or “That’s interesting, can you say more about that?” Books to grow in coaching: Change Your Questions Change Your Life, by Marilee Adams The Coaching Habit, by Michael Bungay Stanier Stay up to date with us through our mail list (sign up here) or our FB page @NMUJourney.