TNMU #213: Change Your Money Beliefs with Bob Lotich
The Next Man Up | Equipping Fathers | Raising Men - A podcast by Mark Stanifer

Money can sometimes be that awkward or intimidating topic to address, both with your kids and your wife. And some of that may be because of the beliefs you have about money. To dive deeper into this issue Bob Lotich joins the show today. Bob is an author, podcast host, and founder of the award winning blog SeedTime. He’s also a father and husband and knows first hand what it means to break unhealthy beliefs and form new ones. And today he’s enjoying the work of helping others do the same. Website: Book: Simple Money, Rich Life Podcast: SeedTime Money Free Resource: Giving Tracking Tool Expanded Notes: Without dad’s involvement, kids will get their financial education from other voices We inherit many beliefs — healthy and unhealthy — from our parents 2 big common problems within the church: believing wealth equals righteousness and believing poverty equals piety; A better way is to view money as a tool What is your definition of financial success? Does it align more with the world’s view or God’s view? Suggestion for making giving more fun: track it. When it comes to money tension with your wife, fight to get on the same page together, to be in unity look for what’s right or beneficial in her approach and be open to what’s wrong or missing with your approach find a way to make talking about money more fun discover what’s important to her and converse about ways to get there When it comes to debt, rather than good vs bad, a better approach is to really question your motive, which comes back to your heart As a dad, find ways for your kids to watch, listen and learn about money from how you work through this with your wife and in your family Ideas for you to help your son with money include, help him see he doesn’t have to spend every dollar he gets pay or reward him for the work he does for you help him discover an excitement to save and to give let him make mistakes and learn from them