Jupiter in Gemini from the Soul's Perspective
The Nightlight Astrology Podcast - A podcast by Adam Elenbaas
Today, we're continuing our look at Jupiter's impending move into Gemini, exploring its significance from the perspective of the soul's journey across lifetimes. Ancient astrologers viewed the planets as teachers for the evolving soul, guiding its growth and evolution through their transit across the zodiac. We'll discuss the spiritual lessons and themes Jupiter in Gemini may present, reflecting on how these cosmic movements shape our soul's learning and growth. Unveil the mysteries of the stars with Nightlight Astrology's courses starting this June—whether you're beginning your journey in Year One, deepening your understanding in Year Two, or exploring the precise answers of Horary Astrology, there's a path for every celestial seeker. Enroll today! https://nightlightastrology.com/courses/