Fangirling Schitt's Creek Season 6 Episode 1- SPOILERS

The No-Guilt Fangirls Podcast - A podcast by Patty Holliday, Fangirl, Reviewer & Podcaster


SCHITT'S CREEK SEASON 6 EPISODE 1 SPOILER DISCUSSION My obsession in 2019 was all things Schitt's Creek and Dan Levy. And that, of course, is flowing into 2020. We've got the last season airing right now- weep! And Jaime and I have to talk about it. This is a *SPOILER* filled discussion that's coming out every week soon after the episodes air. If that's not your jam, come back when you have a chance to watch the show and join in the discussion. If you need a place to talk all about this last season? You've found your people. Best Schitt's Creek Season 6 Quotes How To Watch Schitt's Creek Season 6