New Non-duality Zoom Group
The Nonduality Podcast - A podcast by Nic Higham, Nondual Therapy & Mentoring
Register: This weekly Zoom group is for anyone who resonates with the message of non-duality and is interested in discovering the truth beyond the superficial appearance of things. These meetings provide an opportunity to delve into the nature of present-moment experience with support from Nic Higham and guest co-facilitators. The belief systems with which direct experience has been concealed are gently deconstructed through clear and compassionate pointing, guided inquiries and meditations. This exploration into the nature of experience reveals that every experience is nothing but the one life temporarily taking shape as our experience. In truth, experience is not an assortment of objects and subjects known by a separate self. Experience is synonymous with non-dual awareness. All apparent things are only the infinite and eternal awareness that we are. There is only the true Self, the totality of reality, exploring its unbounded potential. While experiences are changing all the time, experiencing, or awareness, is ever-present during these changes since each experience is saturated with experiencing. The implications of this discovery are vast. We no longer need to seek something beyond ourselves. We no longer need to try to change or fix our experience. We are home. Our intention is not to improve the shape of experience, but to discern its true nature. However, contentment, joy, love and other qualities are unlocked when separateness is seen to be illusory. Such qualities are not prizes that are attained upon awakening but ungraspable “byproducts” of realisation experienced by no one.