460: Is Digital Media Completely Changing Again? Get the Inside Scoop.

The Not For Lazy Marketers Podcast - A podcast by Emily Hirsh


Over the past couple of months, I’ve been spending some time on TikTok silently observing. If you haven’t quite realized it yet, here’s a truth bomb: TikTok and Reels are the new TV. People have literally traded their typical television time and are simply consuming social media videos instead.What does this mean? People are looking for exceptional storytelling, entertainment, hacks and tricks and skills, and they are loving the way TikTok delivers those to them. If you are wanting to use TikTok to gain followers and advertise, you have to create the content the platform and users want. Based on your business, how do you produce what they are looking for? If you have considered (and you should!) using TikTok or Reels as a means for promoting your business, tune in to hear why your ability to story-tell and create incredibly engaging content is a must, and how this shift in digital marketing will impact you.