494: I Can't Afford Marketing Support & I Can't Do It All - What Do I Do? - Marketing Questions Answered #4

The Not For Lazy Marketers Podcast - A podcast by Emily Hirsh


Welcome to the fourth episode of the ‘Marketing Questions Answered’ series. In this episode, I address a common struggle that many business owners face - feeling overwhelmed and unable to handle everything on their own. This question is especially relevant to entrepreneurs who need support in their marketing efforts but may not have the resources to pay for it. I provide insightful advice and practical tips for prioritizing and sustaining marketing efforts, even without a team or much help.  I even reveal what it looked like for me when I began my business, with a child in tow and no money to hire help. If you’re a parent or even have a full-time job, this conversation may resonate with you. I also discuss questions you should ask yourself to decide if you can have some support in your business (even if right now it feels out of reach). This episode is a must-listen for anyone currently feeling deep into entrepreneurship and are seeking practical tips to pull through the busy season.