82.) Kylie & Sophie: The Not So Glamorous Side of Modeling.

The Not So Simple Life - A podcast by Kylie Vonnahme & Sophie Longford


In today's episode, Kylie & Sophie are solo to catch up post-fashion week. In this episode, they pull back the curtain to give you an insight into the highs and lows with The Not So Glamorous Side of Modeling. They discuss the reality of the job beyond the fashion shows and pretty photos. The duo dives into the rejection and social media pressures that come with a career based on your physical appearance, the lack of control, obsessive tendencies, the personality, and mindset needed going into every job, confidence, and what your first few castings or shoots are really like for most newbies & so much more! CLICK HERE for Cured Nutrition CBD & USE CODE: SIMPLE FOR 10% OFF (Favorite products: RISE, AURA & ZEN) If you liked this episode, please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on Apple podcasts. We would love it if you could leave us a rating/review to tell us  about any thoughts you may have. Take a journey on over to our podcast Instagram page @TheNotSoSimpleLifePodcast. Feel free to email [email protected] if you want to get in touch with @KylieVonnahme & @SophieLongford! SHOP OUR FAVORITES & FIND MORE ON OUR WEBSITE AT www.TNSSlife.com. NEW EPISODES EVERY TUESDAY...See ya'll then!