It's Been a Minute: 'Not Just Another Protest'

The NPR Politics Podcast - A podcast by NPR

There is so much to unpack in this current moment. Sam has a candid conversation with Aunt Betty about how history has shaped her view of the current protests, and he walks around downtown Los Angeles to get the perspective of people he meets. Sam also talks to BuzzFeed News reporter Melissa Segura on her recent reporting about police unions and what they mean for reform, and Morning Edition executive producer Kenya Young about being a black parent during this time and the 'talk' she has to give her sons.

NPR has curated a podcast playlist to amplify conversations about law enforcement, racial injustice, and the black American experience. You can stream this playlist via Spotify and NPR One.

'It's Been a Minute' is produced by Jinae West, Anjuli Sastry, Andrea Gutierrez and Hafsa Fathima. Our editor is Jordana Hochman. Our intern is Hafsa Fathima. Our director of programming is Steve Nelson. You can follow us on Twitter @NPRItsBeenAMin.