TNP93 Queer Nature with Pinar and So Sinopoulos-Lloyd
The Numinous Podcast - A podcast by Carmen Spagnola
This interview featuring Pinar and So Sinopoulos-Lloyd holds a special place in my heart; it's not often I meet people who speak my mind so clearly. I love them and the work they're doing with Queer Nature, a growing Colorado-based project dedicated to cultivating earth-based queer community through traditional skill-building. In this conversation, we dive deeply into the questions: why Quests? why for queer folk? why for queer youth, in particular? and why at this moment in time? Along our exploration, we pause to examine relationships between queerness and landscapes, relationships with the more-than-human world, the language of "quest", and the role of ancestral skill reclamation in dismantling and repairing the legacies of settler colonialism. (!!!) I LOVED THIS CONVERSATION. After this, read Pinar's excellent essay, Queer Futurism: Denizens of Liminality. Enjoy!