073 - Hold My Pint

The Blueprint Podcast - A podcast by Daniel Hill - Tuesdays


"How to join the 1% who actually execute"   You've got people in your network - friends, family, business partners, peers, leaders, heroes you look up to - who you know when they say they're going to do something they go out and absolutely do it.   Have you ever said to somebody, “Do you think you could break this record?” or said to yourself, “Could I actually achieve this?” and who do you know that when you dare them or challenge them to do something they turn around and say “Hold my pint, watch this…”    I want every single one of you to be a high performing entrepreneur and as you know, success and failure are both very predictable. The reality, however, is everybody talks a good game and you may be sitting there thinking there are things I want to achieve, there are strategies I want to do, there are businesses, products or services I want to start but for whatever reason, you're not pulling the trigger.    Only 1% of people actually have the fundamental understanding, the blueprint and the ability to execute relentlessly and they can achieve anything they want in their life, and so can you!   In this official Property Entrepreneur podcast, I'm going to take you through the six steps that are required for the Property Entrepreneur blueprint to enable you to achieve absolutely anything over the next three, six or nine months ahead.    We're about to enter the Championship Season and before we go into this, I want to give you the key blueprint and fundamentals to ensure that over the Summer you set out to achieve one clear goal, one clear strategy and plan, all the while having a great time and having fun, so that at the end of the Championship Season when you’ve pulled it all together and executed relentlessly you're standing at the top of the mountain, waving your flag and celebrating your successes.   Over the next 27 minutes of this podcast, I'll break down for you the unique and proven blueprint I've used for 20 years, that I've taught for 10 years and now it’s yours to execute over the coming months to achieve what the 99% of people just won't.     Make sure you're not somebody that just talks a good game, that you're somebody that says “Hold my pint, watch this…” and you go and smash it out of the park.    Success and failure are both very predictable and if you want to achieve record results and make this your best Championship Season ever, this podcast is absolutely the one for you.    I hope you enjoy.   Want to learn more?   If you’ve not already joined the 8.5k Property Entrepreneurs for FREE in the Property Entrepreneur Facebook Group, click here to join now:  The Property Entrepreneurs Community