099 - Hot Spotting

The Blueprint Podcast - A podcast by Daniel Hill - Tuesdays


"Are you suffering from overwhelm?"   Whether you are a parent, an entrepreneur, a self employed or employed individual, there will be times in your day, week, month or life where your tasks far exceed the amount of time you have.    Whether you're great at planning or you're rubbish at it, it doesn't matter because curveballs will hit you and you'll have that afternoon, that day or that week where you're completely overwhelmed and you're so busy, you end up actually doing nothing.    There is one productivity hack that I've been teaching for eight years and use it in my day to day business and life to overcome this challenge.    In this official Property Entrepreneur podcast, I'm going to teach you the life saving productivity hack of hotspotting so that in 30 seconds you can get out of a place of panic where you can't see the wood from the trees to having a clear plan of action forward.    This is hotspotting, it will solve your overwhelm, and I hope that you enjoy. Want to learn more?   If you’ve not already joined the 8.9k Property Entrepreneurs for FREE in the Property Entrepreneur Facebook Group, click here to join now:  The Property Entrepreneurs Community   If you're listening to this podcast but have not yet subscribed, click the subscribe button to listen to what Daniel and other industry leading guests have to say on a weekly basis on all things business, investment property and lifestyle: The Official Property Entrepreneur Podcas‪t    Keep up to date with Daniel’s musings by subscribing on YouTube now : The Official Property Entrepreneur YouTube Channel   Follow Daniel on Social: Instagram: @propertyentrepreneur_  Facebook:  @PropertyEntrepreneurOfficial LinkedIn: @propertyentrepreneur