105 - Soul Purpose

The Blueprint Podcast - A podcast by Daniel Hill - Tuesdays


"Ask big questions. Get big answers" Hello and welcome to the next episode of the Official Property Entrepreneurs podcast.   Today is a very special episode as I’m going to take you behind the scenes to last year's Launch Super Event for Property Entrepreneur 2022.   At this launch event, I did a workshop called Soul Purpose and for those of you that have shown an interest in the softer spiritual side of things this is one for you.    This is about who am I? What's my ikigai? What am I about? What's my reason why? What's my purpose? Why am I here? How do I engage better with my friends, my family, the people around me and enjoy a better quality of life from understanding who I am, the part I play and my soul purpose in this world?   This is behind the scenes, it’s a special edition, this is Soul Purpose, and I hope you enjoy. Want to learn more?   Boom or Bust? To understand the Top 5 strategies to ensure 2022/23 is the making not the breaking of your property business as we go into a recession, download your FREE copy of the Boom or Bust report now at: www.boomorbust.co.uk   Daniel Hill's brand new, first-ever published book Karma Credits: The Universal Law of Wealth, Health and Happiness was released on 6th October 2022 and can be purchased on Amazon. Click here now to purchase a copy.   If you’ve not already joined the 9.1k Property Entrepreneurs for FREE in the Property Entrepreneur Facebook Group, click here to join now:  The Property Entrepreneurs Community   If you're listening to this podcast but have not yet subscribed, click the subscribe button to listen to what Daniel and other industry leading guests have to say on a weekly basis on all things business, investment property and lifestyle: The Official Property Entrepreneur Podcas‪t    Keep up to date with Daniel’s musings by subscribing on YouTube now : The Official Property Entrepreneur YouTube Channel   Follow Daniel on Social: Instagram: @propertyentrepreneur_  Facebook:  @PropertyEntrepreneurOfficial LinkedIn: @propertyentrepreneur