Day 365 | Nehemiah's last commands | Revelation 22: Alpha to the Omega

The One Year Bible Podcast 2024 - A podcast by Michael Wood, M.Ed.,M.S.

Day 365 of the Holy Bible One Year CHALLENGE. Nehemiah 13 is about Nehemiah's efforts to keep the people of Jerusalem faithful to God's laws. When he returns to Jerusalem, he finds that some people have broken the rules, like working on the Sabbath and marrying non-Israelites. Nehemiah works hard to fix these problems, reminding everyone to follow God's ways and keep the city and their lives dedicated to God. Revelation 22 is the last chapter of the Bible. It describes the beautiful, peaceful place called the New Jerusalem, where God and Jesus live with people. It talks about the River of Life and the Tree of Life, which bring health and life to everyone. The chapter ends with promises that Jesus will come back soon and an invitation for everyone to come to God. It's a message of hope and a final reminder to live in a way that's pleasing to God. Support the show at Patreon. Find us at Join our Facebook group for further discussion: Nehemiah 13 Revelation 22 You're listening to the "Holy Bible One Year CHALLENGE" with Master Storyteller, Michael Wood. Featuring the Holy Bible Easy-to-Read version and used by permission from Bible League International. #bible #biblestudy #bibleverseoftheday #BibleVerseChallenge #AudioBible #audiobible #audiobibles #audiobiblepodcast #audiobiblerecording #audiobiblewithmusic #audiobiblesuperproduction #biblepodcast #biblepodcasts #biblepodcaster #biblepodcast🎧 #biblepodcastforbusypeople --- Send in a voice message: