5 L&D Career Transition Myths Holding You Back

The L&D Career Club Podcast - A podcast by Sarah Cannistra - Tuesdays


Raise your hand if you've heard any of these L&D career transition myths before? 🙋🏽‍♀️➡️ If you transition into L&D, you have to start entry level with entry level pay.➡️ Having a fancy portfolio is the only way to get an ID role.➡️ The more roles you apply to, the more interviews you'll get.➡️ Instructional Design is the best path for teachers to transition into.➡️ You need an L&D degree/certification to get noticed by hiring managers/recruiters.I promise you are not alone! On today's episode of The Overnight Trainer Podcast, I am debunking ALL of these myths and explaining how believing in them is actually SLOWING DOWN your career transition progress! 🐢 😬I also announced my BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL for Nail Your L&D Niche LIVE, which kicks off next Monday! 🎉 If you register for this epic live group program by EOD on Friday, you'll get access to the L&D Resume Reprogram course FOR FREE! 🙀Join us here: https://theovernighttrainer.thinkific.com/courses/Nail-Your-Niche-LIVE