150th Episode With Mark Pollard: What's Life Like After Leaving Ad Agencies?

The Overthinkers - A podcast by Rachel Mercer & Shann Biglione


Big milestones today: The Overthinkers turns 3 with this 150th episode, and marks its 200,000 listens to date. To celebrate, we bring the man that we pretty much owe this podcast to, Mark Pollard. Not only did he introduce us, he also inspired us to make our own thing. And this will be the topic this week - at some point all of us ask ourselves what life is like beyond the work we do in ad agencies. During this hour, we went pretty deep and personal about our fears, our joys, our stresses, and our achievements as the three of us took forks in our careers. This obviously comes from three strategists, but probably reflects a wider sentiment across other specialties. Thanks again for listening for all those years, and if you're new, welcome!