3: Hold on, I think I might be allergic to weddings. With Sara Pascoe.
The Panic Years - A podcast by Brand New Audio

This week I had the huge pleasure of speaking to the comedian, writer, author and broadcaster Sara Pascoe. We talked weddings: why we hate them, why people keep having them, how to cope when you're at them and why Sara got married without even having one. I have been a fan and admirer of Sara for years. God she’s good. Her books Animal and Sex, Power, Money genuinely changed the way I think about the world, while her recent sitcom Out of Her Mind, is probably my favourite tv comedy from the last decade. Watch it. Immediately. Follow Sara on Twitter at @sarapascoe https://twitter.com/sarapascoe?lang=en and watch Out of Her Mind on iPlayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08tjqzd I also was thrilled to speak to the clinical psychologist Dr Emma Hepburn. As well as working in the NHS, Emma is the author of the best selling A Toolkit for Modern Life: 53 Ways to Look After Your Mind and is known to millions for her doodles as ThePsychologyMum [https://twitter.com/emmaneuropsych?lang=en] on Instagram. Her free ebook How to stay calm in a global pandemic is here: https://www.hachette.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/How-to-Stay-Calm-in-a-Global-Pandemic-Free-ebook.pdf Her book is available on amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Toolkit-Modern-Life-Ways-After/dp/1529410223 or on Hive https://www.hive.co.uk/Product/Dr-Emma-Hepburn/A-Toolkit-for-Modern-Life--53-Ways-to-Look-After-Your-Mind/25320103