Conversation with Clas Svahn: Archives for the Unexplained in Sweden

The Paranormal UFO Consciousness Podcast - A podcast by Grant Cameron


Svahn is a journalist since 1978 after studies at Journalisthögskolan in Gothenburg. Occupation: Journalist at Mariestads-Tidningen (Mariestad) 1978-1983, Norrbottens-Kuriren (Luleå) 1983-1990 and Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm), Sweden’s largest morning newspaper, since 1990. Works as a reviewer for UFO, science fiction and other related books for the Swedish libraries. He  the local organisation UFO-Mariestad on 17 May 1974, member of UFO-Sweden’s board since 1988 and chairman since 1991. Vice chairman of Archives of UFO Research, AFU, in Norrköping. Co-editor of UFO-Sweden’s magazine “UFO-Aktuellt”. Publications (UFO books): “Domstensfallet – en svensk närkontakt 1958″ with Anders Liljegren (“The Domsten case – a Swedish close encounter in 1958″, AFU 1989), “Mötet i gläntan” with Gösta Carlsson (“The encounter in the clearing”, NTB Parthenon, 1995), “UFO-Mysteriet – från flygande tefat till cirklar i sädesfälten” (“The UFO mystery”, Parthenon 1998), “Fakta om UFO” (“Facts about UFOs”, Parthenon 1998) with Göran Norlén and by himself “UFO – möte med det okända” (“UFO – encounter with the unknown”, Semic 2000). In 2002 he was the main contributor to the book “Världens största konspirationer” (“The world’s largest conspiracies”, Semic). Grant Cameron Link