The Director of National Intelligence Report on UFOs, The Scientific Community, and the Study of Anomalies

The Paranormal UFO Consciousness Podcast - A podcast by Grant Cameron


This episode looks at the study of anomalies like UFOs and other paranormal weirdness which is generally rejected for study by military and scientific minds. This episode look at how the Pentagon is again trying to bury the issue of UFOs by throwing mud in the water so no one can drink it.  It most importantly looks at split brain research which gets us hints at why new ideas are rejected by the left brain which thinks it knows everything and wants a world that is predictable and does not change. I discuss how the DNI report tries to get out of firm answers being demanded by the UFO community, how they played up the threat aspect of UFOs, and what it is in their thinking that stops them from serious study of the UFO anomaly. Lastly, I discuss a UFO disclosure panel that was held during Contact in the Desert which showed even the UFO community os not on the same page about what is going on. "When I began my physical studies [in Munich in 1874] and sought advice from my venerable teacher Philipp von Jolly...he portrayed to me physics as a highly developed, almost fully matured science...Possibly in one or another nook there would perhaps be a dust particle or a small bubble to be examined and classified, but the system as a whole stood there fairly secured." Father of quantum physics Max Planck describing how his professor tried to convince him going into physics was a waste of time.