Episode 129 – Lars Tolumnius and the Fate of Fidenae

The Partial Historians - A podcast by The Partial Historians - Thursdays

Vengeance for Rome It's 437 BCE and Rome finds itself challenged by the king of the Etruscans Lars Tolumnius. But how did Rome get into this situation? In our previous episode, Rome took a break from domestic woes to deal with the execution of four ambassadors. These men had been sent to the colony of Fidenae, which had recently defected to the Etruscan city of Veii. The Romans are quick to engage in battle with the Etruscans and their allies. They secure a victory under the consuls, but it comes at a heavy price. They determine that this whole situation merits a dictator. Is there a problem that a dictator cannot solve? Apparently not, for the Romans start to enjoy a lot more success once they have Mamercus Aemilius in place. Episode 129 - Lars Tolumnius and the Fate of Fidenae A Map of the City of Veii. The time period of the city is not clear from the map. Source: Wikimedia Commons To the Victor Go the Spoils Mamercus has assembled a crack team to battle the Etruscan King Lars Tolumnius. This was the right move, as Lars Tolumnius is hell on horseback. Once the conflict has commenced, the king makes it mission to cause as much chaos for the Roman forces as possible. Fortunately for Mamercus, there is an aspiring hero amongst the Roman cavalry. Aulus Cornelius Cossus is a patrician hottie on a mission to make a name for himself or die trying. His exploits will become the stuff of legend. SPOILA ALERT - There may be spoila opima involved. Aulus Cornelius Cossus with the head of Lars Tolumnius. See this gruesome depiction in more detail here. Things to Look Out For * Confusion over the dating of events * Handsome patrician soldiers * Decapitations * Rude military songs * Golden crowns * Triumphs Our Players 437 BCE Consuls * M. Geganius M. f. – n. Macerinus – Pat. (Cos. 447, 443) * L. Sergius C. F. C. n. Fidenas – Pat. – (Cos. 424, Mil. Tr. c. p. 433, 429, 418) Consul Suffectus * M. Valerius M. f. M. n. Lactutua (or Lactucinus) Maximus – Pat. Dictator * Mam. Aemilius M.f. – n. Mamercinus – Pat. – Mil. Tr. c.p. 438 Master of the Horse * L. Quinctius L.f.L.n. Cincinnatus – Pat. – Cos. 428b, Mil. Tr. c.p. 438, 425, 420. Legates, Lieutenants * M. Fabius Vibulanus – Pat. – Cos. 442, Mil. Tr. c.p. 433 * (T.