Episode 47 – Porsenna, Scaevola, and Cloelia

The Partial Historians - A podcast by The Partial Historians - Thursdays

As the times fly by, the Romans continue to contend with Lars Porsenna and the consequences of the Tarquinii on the development of the political character of the City. In this episode, follow the unfurling of narratives from Livy and Dionysius of Halicarnassus that seem a little too odd to be believed, with dashes of exciting tales of derring-do from the likes of Scaevola and Cloelia. That's right, dear listeners, Doctors G and Radness are back with a brand new episode! Follow this link and right click to download Episode 47! Episode 47 - Porsenna, Scaevola, and Cloelia   Peter Paul Rubens, c. 1630-40. Clélie passant le Tibre (Cloelia passing the Tiber)