The Partial Recap - 420s BCE

The Partial Historians - A podcast by The Partial Historians - Thursdays

Another decade is gone and it's time for a Partial Recap! We run through what the ancient sources tell us about this decade. There are some real highs and lows! The Partial Recap 420s BCE If you are keen to for some more detail, you can jump into our narrative episodes at 134 - A Dry Period. A view to the East over the Roman Forum with the Temple of Saturn on the left and the Palatine Hill on the right, showing the Temple of Castor and Pollux, the Arch of Titus, Santa Francesca Romana, and the Colosseum. Detail from the photograph by Nicholas Hartmann, June 1976. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons. Used under license. Sound Credits Our music was composed by the fabulous Bettina Joy de Guzman. Automated Transcript Dr Rad: Welcome to the Partial Recap for the 420s BCE! Dr G: I’m Dr G  Dr Rad: and I’m Dr Rad Dr G: and this is our highlights edition of the 420s in Rome. We’ll take you through from 429 to 420 in an epitome of our normal episodes.  Dr Rad: Perfect for those mornings when you don’t want some lengthy rhetoric with your coffee - but please be warned - the Roman world is a violent one.   Dr G: Get ready for a recappuccino.  429 BCE * In 429 BCE, the consuls were Hostius Lucretius Tricipitinus and Lucius Sergius Fidenas  * Who could forget this year? Well, apparently a lot of people could - nothing was recorded in some of our sources * For others, it might be an issue of confused dates  and actually LOTS of things happened that sound very similar to the events of 428 428 BCE * In 428 BCE, the consuls were Aulus Cornelius Cossus and Titus Quinctius Poenus Cincinnatus  * Or maybe Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus and Aulus Sempronius Atratinus  * Come on Romans, get your consuls straight! * Veii started muscling in on Roman turf, perhaps with some help from the Fidenates  * The Romans assembled an elite task force to look into their involvement and some men from FIdenae found themselves banished to Ostia for being decidedly shifty * For a bit of extra security, more settlers were sent to the colony of Fidenae  * Rome was then hit by a severe drought, which led to the spread of disease amongst cattle and the citizens  * In desperation, some superstitions started to spread amongst the populace and had to be reined in  427 BCE * In 427 BCE, the consuls were Caius Servilius Structus Ahala and Lucius Papirius Mugillanus  * Putting the tough times behind them, the ROmans felt well enough to seek revenge against Veii  * But there’s a procedure to this people! Someone call the fetiales so they can call on Jupiter and get this ball rolling  426 BCE * In 426 BCE, the military tribunes with consular power were...