The Partial Recap – the 450s BCE

The Partial Historians - A podcast by The Partial Historians - Thursdays

It's our second episode in The Partial Recap series. This is a short, sharp, scripted overview of all the big events that defined the 450s BCE. If you're inspired to delve into more details, all the episodes from this decade can be found in our Foundation of Rome series. Let's jump into the refresher! It's the Partial Recap of the 450s BCE! The Partial Recap - the 450s BCE A view to the East over the Roman Forum with the Temple of Saturn on the left and the Palatine Hill on the right, showing the Temple of Castor and Pollux, the Arch of Titus, Santa Francesca Romana, and the Colosseum. Detail from the photograph by Nicholas Hartmann, June 1976. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons. Used under license. Transcript Introduction FR - Welcome to the Partial Recap for the 450s BC! PG - I’m Dr G  FR - and I’m Dr Rad PG - and this is our highlights edition of the 450s in Rome. We’ll take you through from 459 to 450 in an epitome of our normal episodes. FR - Perfect for those mornings when you don’t want some lengthy rhetoric with your coffee PG - Get ready for a recappuccino.  459 BCE In 459 BCE, the consuls were Lucius Cornelius Maluginensus Uritnus and Quinctus Fabius Vibulanus, an old-hand in his third consulship.  * Rome is picking up the pieces after the recent invasion. A census is carried out. Rome has 117 319 citizens. Lustral sacrifices are needed to cleanse the city.* Livy and Dionysius don’t really agree on the exact course of events. Perhaps Rome is trying to restore its rep after the military humiliation of the previous year?* What seems clear from both accounts is that the Volscians and Aequians are up to something and the Romans set off to deal with it.* They are particularly keen to help out the Tusculans who are under attack from the Aequains - or is this just a method for the Romans to restore their reputation after the invasion. * Under Fabius, the Romans defeat the Aequians decisively. * The consuls meet up and target the lands of both the Volscians and the Aequians. * Antium, in Volscian territory, is a particular hotspot. It seems like there is a revolt going on in this territory, only recently captured by the Romans. After a messy battle, Antium is retaken and some locals and colonists are publicly scourged and beheaded. Now there’s an example no one will want to follow. * Back at home, there is agitation for the law about the laws, but the Prefect of the City, Lucius Lucretius Tricipitinus, says that nothing can take place when consuls are away.* The quaestors, Aulus Cornelius & Quintus Servilius, try to pursue Volscius for the charge of committing perjury about Caeso Quinctius being responsible for his brother’s murder - and it seems like they have a genuine case. The tribunes hold them off - after all, the consuls are away, right?* Once the consuls return, it’s triumph time! Almost as though the invasion of 460 never happened... 458 BCE In 458 BCE, the consuls were Lucius Minucius Esquilinus Augurinus and Caius Nautius was consul for the second time. * Rome is facing war on many fronts, so both of the consuls are need out in the field. * Ex-consul, Quinctius Fabius Vibulanus, is made Prefect of the City - probably to keep an eye on the tribunes as well as the enemies of Rome.