The Partial Recap – the 460s BCE

The Partial Historians - A podcast by The Partial Historians - Thursdays

The history of Rome is complex, even in the early Republic. Sometimes it's hard to keep all the details straight so we thought it might be a good time to try something new. The Partial Recap series will be a scripted overview of each decade of Roman history. First cab off the rank is the decade of the 460s BCE. This is the last complete decade we've covered in our Foundation of Rome series, and we'll be working through the previous decades over the next few months. Part of the benefit of these episodes will be to help refresh the memory of the key events of each year. We're also trying out a scripted style that easy allows us to share a transcript, which is a good step forward in terms of accessibility for our podcast. As technology progresses, we're hoping to automate accurate transcripts for our conversational episodes. Join us for a Partial Recap of the 460s BCE! The Partial Recap - The 460s BCE "A view to the East over the Roman Forum with the Temple of Saturn on the left and the Palatine Hill on the right, showing the Temple of Castor and Pollux, the Arch of Titus, Santa Francesca Romana, and the Colosseum." Detail from the photograph by Nicholas Hartmann, June 1976. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons. Used under license. Transcript Inroduction FR - Welcome to the Partial Recap for the 460s BC! PG - I’m Dr G  FR - and I’m Dr Rad PG - and this is our highlights edition of the 460s in Rome. We’ll take you through from 469 to 460 in an epitome of our normal episodes. FR - Perfect for those mornings when you don’t want some lengthy rhetoric with your coffee PG - Get ready for a recappuccino.  469 BCE In 469, the consuls were Titus Numicus Priscus and Aulus Verginius Caelimontanus. * There were some domestic issues that surfaced as the plebeians were pushing for progress with the agrarian law - looking for a fairer share of the land.* They were quickly distracted by issues with the Volscians. The Volscians start making incursions into Roman territory and the consuls journey forward to meet the threat.* Numicius heads off to the belly of the beast - Volscian territory - and his forces pillage and capture coastal settlements as they go. Antium, a major Volscian city, is in their sights.* Verginius goes to deal with Aequians in the east. The Aequians are enemies of Rome and allies of the Volscians. After a bit of a rocky start, he defeats them in combat. He then turns around to deal with the Sabines. Turns out Rome is surrounded by enemies! * Meanwhile, back in Rome, the plebeians decide not to vote in the annual elections. They are tired of the lack of progress on the agrarian law, so what is even the point anymore? The agrarian reform the plebeians have been pushing for would mean a fairer distribution of public land for all Roman citizens. The elite patricians have been stalling, knowing it’ll mean a loss for them. 468 BCE In 468 BCE, the consuls were Titus Quintius Capitolinus Barbatus (consul for the second time) and Quintus Servilius Priscus. * Unrest between Rome and their neighbours continues. Rome is facing issues with the Sabines to the north east, and the Volscian-Aequian alliance which stretches from the south to the east.  * Servilius is off campaigning against the Sab...