[party in my plants] 136: Werk Your Thoughts, Awesome Your Life! with Alison Faulkner
Existennial - A podcast by Talia Pollock

It’s a rare day when I meet someone that makes me seem quiet and tame, but today’s guest is that rare gem alright. Alison Faulker, known on the webs as the enthusiastic, bold dancing chica behind Awesome with Alison, The Alison Show and Alison’s Brand School, all projects in her empire that aim to help you build what you feel called to build, be who you want to be, and feel as awesome as you already are! But it’s not all air humps and dance parties (although she has thrown many a 900 person all-female dance parties, FOMO MUCH?), Alison is balances all of her yays with her nays of getting hit by a car, depression during pregnancy, self doubt on fleek and anxiety out the wazoo. She knows it’s not always easy for life to be awesome and that’s why she’s obsessed with sharing all the tools in her belt and life lessons from tantric sex. This chat rocked my avocado socks and I hope it rocks yours, too! You betta press play so you can hear: Wussup with thought work and how it’ll change everything for ya How to become more confident How the oh-so-awesome woman behind the killer podcast, energizing dance parties and kick-ass coaching business got to where she is - from where she was Some stellar tools for overcoming fear, depression and anxiety How to figure out what your purpose is, like NBD Why being on your own side is the best way to serve yourself The mantra that is going to help you achieve that big goal How to finally stop holding yourself back in life and in business And MAS! Links related to this episode: The full show notes with all the deets from this episode! Where to buy Four Sigmatic Shroom Products and save 15% with code: “PARTYINMYPLANTS” Try Thrive Market and get an EXTRA 25% off your first purchase AND a FREE 30 day trial & check out my favorite products Get my FREE #EATMOREPLANTS course! Where I’d much appreciate you leaving a review for the show in iTunes!! How to work 1-on-1 with me! Where you can go to submit a question for the show! Where you can go to suggest a guest (yourself or someone else) for the show! How to work 1-on-1 with me! Party in My Plants on Instagram Party in My Plants on Facebook Party in My Pl