[party in my plants] 204: F*ck the Shoulds, Do the Wants! with Joyologist Tricia Huffman
Existennial - A podcast by Talia Pollock

My lady Tricia Huffman a.k.a. The Joyologist a.k.a. affirmation queen a.k.a. the shitty thought police (OK, enough of the a.k.a.s, we get it…) is my latest and greatest guest. The woman is more super than a superfood itself and as such, this lil’ chat was even more invigorating than my post-run heaped-with-greens smoothie. Tricia has a background as a sound engineer, has spent so much of her life on the road and pivoted her whole lifestyle to be one focused on joy, positive affirmations, cultivating career success and happiness, and staunchly askewing the word “should” and all that it represents. Her whole *fig*gin jam is to wake people up to the joys that exist RIGHT NOW in their lives. My friend, don’t let these great days perish like wilted romaine lettuce that you forget at the back of your damn fridge! Listen to find out how to fill your life with joy ASAP. Press play to hear: Why “should” is no longer allowed in our vocabulary How affirmations really work Why it’s time to wake up and actually love the life you live What’s a joyologist and why you need one Why no one can make you feel inferior without your consent Don’t wait until you “have it all,” find joy in your life now! Links related to this episode: The full show notes with all the deets from this episode! BUY MY BEST SELLING BOOK, PARTY IN YOUR PLANTS Where to buy Amazing Grass goodies and save 30% with code: PLANTPARTY30 Where to buy Four Sigmatic Magic Mushroom Products and save 15% with code: “PARTYINMYPLANTS” Book me to speak at your college, conference or company! Where I’d much appreciate you leaving a review for the show in iTunes!! Party in My Plants on Instagram Party in My Plants on Facebook Party in My Plants’ Videos on YouTube