[party in my plants] 78: You’ll Love this Lowdown on Low FODMAPs with Kate Scarlata
Existennial - A podcast by Talia Pollock

My guest today is a lovely lady whom I warmly refer to as The Fairy Godmother of Low FODMAPs. She refers to herself as a registered and licensed dietitian, New York Times bestselling author and specialist in a low FODMAP diet and digestive health conditions, but I think The Fairy Godmother of Low FODMAPs sums it up rather nicely. I’ve received so many podcast question submissions about the increasingly trendy low FODMAP diet and I wanted to bring on the best of the best to give us the lowdown. Well, Kate is the best of the best and not just because I say so, or because Boston Magazine awarded her the best dietitian award in 2016 but also because she literally just co-authored the low fodmap roadmap called The Low Fodmap Diet Step by Step! So get ready to finally figure out this whole fodmap thingy majiggy, which might hopefully help your stomach if you struggle or just help you understand WTF this F-O-D-M-A-P lingo is all actually A-B-O-U-T. Gut ready to hear…. - How an emergency surgery changed the way Kate eats - Why “dry doody balls” aren’t actually very funny! - What the hell are FODMAPs and what it even means. - And also why you shouldn’t just randomly start a low FODMAP diet. - The keys to low FODMAP success in the real world. - And loads more! Links related to this episode: The full show notes with all the deets from this episode! Where to buy Four Sigmatic Shroom Products and save 15% with code: “PARTYINMYPLANTS” Get my FREE #EATMOREPLANTS course! Where you can go to submit a question for the show! Where I’d much appreciate you leaving a review for the show in iTunes!! How to work 1-on-1 with me! Where you can go to suggest a guest (yourself or someone else) for the show! Party in My Plants on Instagram Party in My Plants on Facebook Party in My Plants’ Cooking Videos on YouTube Audio Producer Of The Show - Oleksandr Hedz