@Percussion - 291 Roundtable Season End
The @Percussion Podcast - A podcast by atpercussion
★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion★ Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atpercInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/atpercussionPodBean: https://atpercussion.podbean.com/ Hosts: Ben Charles, Ksenija Komljenović, and Karli ViñaIntro music by Reese Maultsby - reesemaultsby.com Watch here Listen below 0:00 Intro and hello2:45 Today in history: Eric Satie. The "G" pieces. Vexations and mental stamina. 16:40 Some on Minimalism. Prospective and cumulation. 23:14 Getting yourself back into a performance space since we're likely finally getting to live performing36:25 End of the Season (the 6 year season). Favorites and hits?