@Percussion 330 - University Job Pursuit - Interviews
The @Percussion Podcast - A podcast by atpercussion

★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion★ Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atpercInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/atpercussion/PodBean: https://atpercussion.podbean.com/ Hosts: Ksenija Komljenović, Casey Cangelosi, Ben Charles, Tracy Wiggins, Marco SchirripaProducer: Ksenija KomljenovićTopic: University Job Pursuit – Interviews Watch here Listen below 00:00 Intro00:20 Music History - May 26 (Chris Cornell’s funeral and experiencing deaths of musical idols, Moondog’s birthday)07:48 Phone/Skype/Zoom interview10:05 Questions to expect at the semi-final interview18:25 Problem with “tell us about a conflict/challenge”29:36 Practice interviews32:45 Red flags in interviews38:28 On-campus interviews44:32 Types of on-campus interviews: committee, dean, chair, students, president/vice-president46:02 A sample of questions for applied instrument position48:28 Book recommendation: On Staff by Donald L. Hamann50:23 Book recommendation: The Professor Is In by Karen Kelsky54:22 Physical presentation while on campus58:10 On-campus recital repertoire1:02:21 Admin interviews1:11:34 Being asked about responsibilities you have not had before1:15:17 Social media questions: How important is it for the committee to keep everything consistent throughout the phone interview? (Justin Ball)1:17:04 What happens when nobody gets the job? How often does this happen? 1:19:37 Talk about the importance/weight of the teaching demonstration vs. the performance 1:22:16 Discuss whether or not all search committees hire a third party organization/company to select the finalists for a position. If not, how do they avoid bias or discrimination? 1:23:51 When applying for a first job, what’s the value of a social media presence these days? (Ryan Boehme)1:27:10 Is it worth applying for full time positions as an ABD student or is it safer to apply for part-time/adjunct roles until a doctorate is earned?1:30:02 Community college jobs