Emergency Preparedness for Dogs
The Perfect Pup - A podcast by Devin Stagg from Pupford
Our hope is that you never have to use this information about emergency preparedness for dogs. Even with that being said, the most important step to be ready for an emergency is to prepare now. Not when the emergency is happening, but now! In this episode, we will break down what you need to do to be ready for an emergency. Here's what we will cover ⤵️ -Things to do NOW (biggest section) -What to do when the emergency comes -What to do after the emergency For links and relevant info, please check out the full article here: https://pfrd.site/emergency-prep Please leave a review and subscribe!! Thanks for listening 🐾 Download the free Pupford app here: https://pfrd.site/trainapp-free Subscribe on YouTube here: https://pfrd.site/subscribe-youtube Check out the audio version of the podcast here: anchor.fm/perfect-pup Intro music cred to Kevin May: https://soundcloud.com/kevin_may