Undertaking a PhD with a Diagnosed Mental Health Condition with Libby Bennett

The PhD Life Raft Podcast - A podcast by Dr Emma Brodzinski - Mondays


In this episode Libby Bennett shares her experience of negotiating both physical and mental health conditions during her PhD journey.   Libby talks about OCD - what it is and what it isn’t - and identifies the potential benefits of the deep self-knowledge that comes through reflecting on your own mental health.   She identifies the importance of recognising your own warning signs and talks about the importance of accessing professional services and how supervisors and students can support others.   Libby also addresses the toxic culture within academia where mental distress is normalised and calls for a recognition of the benefits of diversity within the academy. Libby’s contact details: Email - [email protected] Twitter - @DrLizzieBennett Some useful resources:   Link to Student Minds - Student Mental Health Charity https://www.studentminds.org.uk/   Link to Mind - Mental Health Charity https://www.mind.org.uk/   Link to Mental Health Mates/Bryony Gordon https://www.mentalhealthmates.co.uk/bryony-gordon/   Link to Bryony Gordon’s book Mad Girl: A Happy Life with a Mixed-up Mind https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mad-Girl-Bryony-Gordon/dp/1472232097/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=bryony+gordon&qid=1610976893&sr=8-3   Link to Pure by Rose Cartwright which gives an account of her journey with OCD https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pure-Rose-Bret%C3%A9cher/dp/1783527366/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=Pure+OCD&qid=1610976944&sr=8-6