#27: The Humanity of the Saints

The Pilgrim Soul - A podcast by Sofia, Adrianna, and Giuliana

Sofia and Giuliana have a conversation about becoming fully human, through the lens of the lives of the saints. What does a fulfilled humanity look like? What does it mean that the saints were fully human? And how can their prayers and example help us become more truly ourselves? Our weekly challenge is to get to know a new saint - whether it’s your confirmation saint, a saint who shares your name or birthday, or Servant of God Luigi Giussani ;) And our media recommendation is the film The Lives of Others. We’d love to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or find us on Instagram at @pilgrimsoulpodcast. Other resources we mention: - St. Edith Stein’s “Essays on Woman” - Luigi Giussani’s book “Morality: Memory and Desire” - St. Hildegard of Bingen’s collection of visions “Scivias” - Caryll Houselander's book “The Reed of God” - St. John Henry Newman’s sermon “The Invisible World” - St. Francis de Sales’ book “Introduction to the Devout Life” - A homily on the saints by Fr Mike Schmitz: www.youtu.be/Mad1Jgf0jow - Meg Hunter Kilmer’s writing on the saints: www.avemariapress.com/products/pray-for-us Our theme music is Nich Lampson’s “Dolphin Kicks.”