#39: Restlessness

The Pilgrim Soul - A podcast by Sofia, Adrianna, and Giuliana

Adrianna, Giuli and Sofi discuss restlessness. What does the experience of dissatisfied longing reveal about our hearts? How does contemporary society tend to anesthetize our restlessness? Where have we seen that our restlessness can become a path to discovering the presence of Christ, through prayer and companionship? Our media recommendation is Josh Garrels’ song Ulysses, which you can find on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3YKD_qKVwM​​. And our monthly challenge is to meet up with a friend to share your experiences of restlessness, past and present, and to discuss how you might befriend your restlessness. We’d love to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or find us on Instagram at @pilgrimsoulpodcast. Our website is www.pilgrimsoulpodcast.com. Other resources we mention: - Caryll Houselander’s book “The Reed of God” - St. Augustine’s “Confessions” - Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novella “Notes from Underground” - Luigi Giussani’s 1960 essay “Cristianesimo aperto” - The introduction to St. Anselm of Canterbury’s Proslogion - Jacques Philippe’s book “Searching for and Maintaining Peace” - Cardinal Phanxicô Xaviê Nguyễn Văn Thuận’s meditations “Five Loaves and Two Fish” - A book of Alfred Delp’s meditations called “Advent of the Heart” Our theme music is Nich Lampson’s “Dolphin Kicks.” We are part of the Spoke Street media network: check it out at www.spokestreet.com.