What does it take to become a consultant pharmacist?
The PJ Pod - A podcast by Pharmaceutical Journal

Two years since the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) took on responsibility for approving consultant pharmacist posts, we look at how these roles are evolving. We also ask how many consultants the profession needs, look at the barriers to reaching this level of practice and explore how the path to becoming a consultant could be made easier. Thanks to Hannah Beba, consultant pharmacist in diabetes at West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership; Paula Crawford, consultant pharmacist for older people services within the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust; Rani Khatib, consultant pharmacist in cardiology and cardiovascular clinical research at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Andrew Radley, consultant in pharmaceutical public health at NHS Tayside. Thank you also to Paul Forsyth, lead pharmacist in clinical cardiology (primary care) at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, and Joseph Oakley, associate director of education and professional development at the RPS. This episode is presented by features editor Dawn Connelly and produced by Geoff Marsh.