The Bourbon Man's Beach Vacation: Whiskey Tasting and Family Fun Under the Sun

The PodCask: a Podcast About Whiskey - A podcast by Whiskeytainment, LLC


On this episode of The PodCask: a Podcast About Whiskey, our hosts dive into a wide range of topics. They start off by talking about Greeze's upcoming vacation to the beach with his kids, which was planned last minute due to a busy season and other obligations.  Moving on, they discuss a local news report about a place called Bourbon, clarifying that it is not about the drink itself. They question whether the report's mention of bourbon is conclusive evidence of someone being intoxicated. Our host shares a tragic incident involving a motorcycle, highlighting that it's not a happy story and has no connection to bourbon. The conversation shifts to their fishing trips and the recent increase in people visiting their favorite fishing spot. They recount an encounter with a group of people tubing down the river, including a baby who seemed uncomfortable in the hot weather. They also talk about a virtual barn night, Southern Whiskey Society, and their interaction with Gene Simmons, who offered them a bite of his food at an event. This sparks a discussion about Chambord, a raspberry liqueur, and its potential flavor combinations. Bringing it back to whiskey, they introduce Hemingway Rye, an MGP nine-year-old Indiana Rye and 4-year Kentucky Rye. They describe the unique bottle design resembling a canteen and the blend of straight rye whiskeys finished in rum seasoned Olorosso Sherry casks. Our host touches on the flavor profile, emphasizing the rich caramel, cherry, and vanilla notes. Finally, recommend enjoying this whiskey neat and describe the Hemingway-esque tasting experience it provides. Don't miss this episode of The PodCask: a Podcast About Whiskey for a mix of vacation stories, news report analysis, and whiskey reviews.