Podcast for Social Research, Episode 84: Paradise Lost and Its Revolutionary Afterlives — Orlando Reade in Conversation
The Podcast for Social Research - A podcast by The Brooklyn Institute for Social Research

In episode 84 of the Podcast for Social Research, recorded live at BISR Central, BISR faculty Rebecca Ariel Porte and special guests Alla Della Subin and Katie Kadue sat down with fellow faculty Orlando Reade for a sweeping conversation to parallel the breadth of the study that occasioned it: Orlando’s acclaimed new book What In Me Is Dark, an exploration of the revolutionary political and poetic potential of Milton’s Paradise Lost by way of its most prominent and most various readers—from Thomas Jefferson to Malcolm X to 21st century students in a New Jersey prison. Topics touched on include: selective and disobedient reading (and the uses of each); divinity, abjection, and the poet’s body; creation and subjugation; paradise and self-determination; letting the bad ideas rip—in the 17th century and on Twitter—in order to strengthen the good ones; domesticating Milton; unresolved contradictions; the profane joy of bending a text to one’s present needs; and much else besides. The Podcast for Social Research is produced by Ryan Lentini.