Bonus Episode 3: For The Honor, Part 2
The Podcast of Power: A She-Ra Companion Podcast - A podcast by podofpower

Welcome back, dear listeners, for one last trip 'round the old Podcast of Power. Nearly a full year since its recording, the conclusion of our actual play podcast of She-Ra inspired tabletop game For The Honor is here and ready to be enjoyed by all. Featuring special guests Cass (@whatiscosplay) and Jordan (@dori_mingu) from the Strangers Fiction podcast, we jump into the exciting finale of our desert spaceship adventure. Goo pods, angry robotic stewards, First Ones- I mean Precursor memory technology trips, and a smouldering rivalry perhaps blooming into something more... this episode's got it all, and we're very proud of it. Special thanks to all of our listeners and patrons, past and present, we're so deeply grateful to have gone on this podcast adventure with you all. Despite the trials and tribulations from life that have surrounded this production, we loved it dearly, and we hope that all of you will join us on our adventures into Final Fantasy 14 over at Radio Free Hydaelyn (@HydaelynRadio)!