Poisons and the Supernatural: Witches, Goofers, Root Doctors, and Zombies.
The Poisoner's Almanac - A podcast by Goldstar002 - Saturdays

Hello, poison pals! We are bringing you an episode of the spooky and supernatural today! Let's discuss how poisons have influenced and played an important role in various spiritual and witchy ways. We are bringing witches and witch trials back up to discuss the once popular idea of Flying Ointment (or Witches Ointment), its possible ingredients, and its proposed effects on the body and soul (according to those accusing others of witchcraft). We are also talking about goofer dust (commonly heard within voodoo/hoodoo/root working practices) and how it has been used historically and modernly. Root doctors are another topic we had to discuss alongside goofer dust and of course the possibility of poison/drug induced zombies in Haiti. Lets get spooky! I hope you all have a wonderful halloween (whether you celebrate it or not--we are simply having fun over here and learning about some poison history and about different cultures you might find said poisons in). Let us know if you have any experiences with these poisons or cultures! Hopefully you have encountered the latter more than the former! Once again, thank you to all of out listeners and supporters on Spotify and Patreon. You guys have no idea how your support, reviews, DMs, recommendations, etc encourage and help us along! You guys are a huge part of this podcast and our journey into learning more about poisons, history, folklore, culture, etc. This may have started out as just about poisons and poisoners, but we have learned so much more than just those specific topics and I am so thankful for that! Support us on Patreon: patreon.com/thepoisonersalmanac Follow us on socials: The Poisoner's Almanac on IG- https://www.instagram.com/poisoners_almanac?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw== Adam- https://www.tiktok.com/@studiesshow?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Becca- https://www.tiktok.com/@yobec0?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc