How to raise your vibration to live a positive life.
The Positive Mindset Podcast - A podcast by Henry G

In this episode, we discuss finding and using your guiding light to move into your desired life. You have the power to guide yourself into the experience that you desire. All it takes is becoming aware of the frequency that you're in and then applying the frequency you desire into your mind. The voice in our heads is more than just a voice; it's how we experience the frequency that we are in. If you are in a low frequency, the voice in your head will speak to you from that perspective, pulling you back down to where it is. The same is true if you are operating at a high frequency; the voice in your head will see things from an elevated perspective and continue to pull you up. If you want to shift the frequency you're in, you have to change the voice in your head to reflect the frequency you desire. You have this power! You are both an observer and a creator. Create the energy you want, and then observe it. Through enough repetitions, you will shift to the new frequency. It's not about time; it's about you believing it with 100% conviction. Once you feel it with that level of commitment, you are it. I can't wait to share it with you. - Henry -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Facebook Group! -------------------------------- One-on-One Session -------------------------------- Email List Get your free Positive Mindset Meditation! -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram -------------------------------- Email Me [email protected] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit