Dr Vincent Pluvinage - CEO of OneD - The Reality of Electric Vehicles is Here and We Must Compete for Affordability
The Power Current with Chris Berry - A podcast by Chris Berry

Today we welcome in Vincent Pluvinage, CEO of Co-Founder of OneD Battery Sciences. OneD Battery Sciences is the leader in providing the most scalable and cost effective manufacturing process to produce silicon-graphite anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Its proven manufacturing technology leverages existing commercial graphite suppliers to address the current needs of EV makers for higher energy density, lower cost and lower carbon footprint EV batteries. OneD has partnered with GM for development of their technologies and the company is looking to expand into more OEM partnerships. But outside of the science of their research, Vincent dives into why affordability of EVs in incredibly important right now with Chinese EVs hitting markets outside of its own country. Vince is also outspoken as to how to solve the battery problem, and his thoughts as to why its more of a people and education issue than it is a technology issue.