Draven Rock Homestead: What the Flock Series - Winterizing Your Chicken Coop & Chicken Run

The Prepper Broadcasting Network - A podcast by Prepper Broadcasting Network

The Mistress and Dane D discuss ways to winterize your chicken coop and run, and ways that chickens keep themselves warm in the wintertime. SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:If you have questions, or just need prayer, please email me at:[email protected] Draven Rock Homestead Merch here:https://dravenrockhomestead.creator-spring.comFind our Locals community here:https://dravenrockhomestead.locals.comFind our Patron community here:patreon.com/DravenRockHomesteadFind me on Instagram here:https://www.instagram.com/draven_rock_homestead/Find me on Facebook here:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090222994092AFFLIATE LINKS:Nutrimill Grain Mill:https://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=437695&u=3797169&m=44804