Productive Living: Hormones & Productivity, with Lahana Vigliano – TPW469

The Productive Woman - A podcast by Laura McClellan

Hormones and productivity I'm excited to share with you my conversation with clinical nutritionist and CEO + founder of Nuvitru Wellness, Lahana Vigliano, as part of our Productive Living series. Who is Lahana? Lahana is the CEO + founder of Nuvitru Wellness and a board-certified clinical nutritionist with a passion for helping women realize that there is a root cause for their symptoms, even if they have been dismissed by healthcare before. Her company Nuvitru Wellness specializes in women's hormones and gut health and uses functional medicine lab testing to personalize the patient's journey. She is obsessed with creating natural remedies, researching, reading romance books, lifting heavy, and cooking meals for her family. Outside of work, she is a mother of two and a wife. Her family is the inspiration behind Nuvitru and continues to encourage her through everything. I’ve been looking forward to talking with her about hormones and productivity. How Lahana got started Lahana has worn multiple hats since she was very young, so being a wife, mother, PhD student, and business owner comes naturally to her, although it's not easy. As for how she got started with wellness and nutrition, Lahana can trace it back to discovering her love for health at age 5, when she decided she wanted to become a doctor someday. However, while on the pre-med track in college many years later , she realized that was not what she wanted to do after all. She didn't like the concept of being diagnosed with something and then given a pill to fix it, without any further research or thought put into it. She preferred having more of a prevention mindset. How can we prevent things from happening in the first place? How can we use food and lifestyle habits to improve our health? Of course there is a time and a place for emergency medicine, medications, and the more traditional medical approaches, but in general, Lahana wants to approach health in a more hopeful way, with the focus being on prevention. We cannot do and achieve what we want to if we are not feeling well. Lahaha's work is centered around helping others feel their best so they can live the life they want to. A typical day for Lahaha Lahana says the beauty of entrepreneurship is that every day is different, but she still has a sort of template that she follows. On an average weekday, she gets up, gets the kids ready for school and off to begin their day. Then she makes herself some breakfast and tries to fit in some "me time", doing a bible study or listening to a podcast. Other times she will just sit in silence, especially if she's experiencing a more stressful time. Lahana enjoys habit stacking, but also recognizes when she may need a break. During the mid-morning,  she does a bit of work, gets some exercise in (she does this 5 days a week and includes strength training), and returns to work again. In the afternoon, Lahana takes the time to schedule a lunch break for herself, which she feels society has gotten away from. She uses this time to read, watch TV, or do something else she enjoys. After her lunch break she works for the rest of the afternoon, stopping to get her children from school. In the evenings, she makes dinner for her family and then works a bit more. She also sometimes does some homework or any reading that needs to be completed, although she tries to do most of her school work on the weekends. After a long and busy day, she tries to be in bed by 10:00 p.m. Productivity tools Lahana recommends Lahana has a lot of different things going on all at the same time and uses a variety of tools to stay on top of it all. She loves digital planners, using her iPad and the apps Goodnotes and Google Calendar. She also likes to buy different digital planners on Etsy.