Tips For The Productivity Skeptic That Can Make A Big Difference (TPS391)

The Productivity Show - A podcast by Asian Efficiency


Today’s episode was inspired by feedback from a listener: "My only feedback would be that the barrier to entry might be a little high, particularly for people who are already efficient and motivated but not bought in." It made us realize we all know people like that: people who maybe could benefit at least SOME productivity advice, but are generally skeptical of the whole “productivity thing” So we decided to do an episode on the advice we would give to the “productivity skeptic” Maybe the person in your life needs a lot of productivity help, but you’ve never been able to break through Or maybe they are generally pretty efficient or organized, but you see some opportunities to get even better Or maybe that person is YOU - you’re skeptical of most productivity advice, or you’ve tried things over the years but nothing has ever stuck. You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to