At Your Service: How to Keep Your Customers Coming Back For More

The Professional Website Investor Podcast - A podcast by Ian Bond


At Your Service: How to Keep Your Customers Coming Back For More

It’s a crowded marketplace out there. The Internet is full of websites offering what you offer, and the amount of choices can be elating and overwhelming to online shoppers. Just getting people away from Amazon to your store is a small victory.

So how will you get them to stay? In the constant shuffle of online advertising and marketing, why will people choose your store over another? One of the best ways to find and retain customers is the attention you give them, the service they receive, and the experience they have when they interact with you and your brand.

So how do you create that experience for your customers? How do you design a user experience that creates loyalty in a highly competitive market?

On this episode you’ll hear:

  • An overarching philosophy to guide your customer service decisions
  • Helpful content that will create a happy customer experience
  • Customer support advice for your Virtual Assistants
  • Advice on how to keep customer interactions positive
  • Problem-solving techniques for times when customers aren’t happy

If you’re ready to improve your customer service experience across your entire platform then this is one episode you won’t want to miss!


Transcription of this Episode

Welcome to the Professional Website Investors’ Podcast, the show where we talk about what it takes to successfully buy, operate, scale, and sell a thriving e-commerce business.

When it comes to doing business online, we believe that buying an existing website is far superior to building one from scratch. So, if you’re a career professional who’s looking to become an e-commerce store owner, listening to this show will give you the knowledge, tools, and community support you need to be successful.

I’m your host, Ryan Cowden. This week we’re joined by Ian Bond from In this episode of the Professional Website Investor Podcast, Ian and I discuss how to design an online experience that converts users into loyal customers.

It’s a crowded marketplace out there. The internet is full of websites offering what you offer. The amount of choices can be elating and overwhelming to online shoppers. Just getting people away from Amazon to your store is a small victory, so how will you get them to stay? In the constant shuffle of online advertising and marketing, why will people choose your store over another? One of the best ways to find and retain customers